DestinEStreamer provides state-of-the-art compression and streaming technologies tailored for climate and earth observation data. It achieves exceptionally high compression rates while maintaining data quality. With DestinEStreamer, you can effortlessly access hundreds of terabytes of datasets via a browser on both desktop and mobile devices. DestinEStreamer enhances the functionality of DestinE Digital Twins by streamlining processing and simplifying access. Additionally, our comprehensive Python Toolbox allows you to connect to data streams and create data cubes on-the-fly for your analysis. Experience the fastest access to Digital Twins with DestinEStreamer.
Documentation Overview
The documentation consists of two main parts: a responsive Web-Application and an API.
DestineStramer Web-Application
The DestinEStreamer web application offers a interactive interface for accessing and visualizing climate and earth observation data. Below is an overview of its key features:
Visual Streams
Temporal Resolution: In the web application overview movies for climate data variables are displayed for daily intervals. Note that datastreams, accessable via the API or Jupyter notebook provide access full temporal resolution.
Spatial Resolution: On mobile devices, visual streams are presented at a lower resolution to ensure optimal performance. Full resolution is accessable via the desktop browser.
The data streams available on the platform are categorized into two main groups:
ERA5 Non Antarctica
Climate DT
These streams can be selected using the Movie button located on the right side of the interface.
Opacity Control
The Opacity Control button, allows users to adjust the opacity of the displayed data streams, providing more control over the visualization experience.
In the bottom right corner of the Map View, users will find the Legend of the selected stream. The Legend provides contextual information about the data being visualized.
Stream Controls
At the bottom center of the Map View, users can control the stream as they would a video. This includes pausing, playing, and seeking through the data.
Advanced Features
For users with the data access privileges on the DestinE platform. The web-application offers an option to display a code snippet to configure the JupyterLab notebook to access the exact data shown in the web-application in the DestinE platform.