Yes, you have to register your free account to gain access to all our services and resources.
Do I have to be registered to access the Services on DestinE Platform?
Where can I find technical documentation on the Services?
Who are the providers of the services I find in the Services catalogue?
Service Providers on the DestinE Platform include:
- Core Services: key components operated by the DestinE Platform consortium, essential for the platform’s functionality. They include Platform Management services facilitating the creation of the platform ecosystem community and Data Management services, allowing users to access data and applications.
- Onboarded Services: external services offering applications and algorithms that are integrated in the DestinE Platform Framework further to the Onboarding process
- Federated Services: external services who make their service accessible to the DestinE Platform user community.
Please note that each Service Provider is the owner of their respective service and is responsible for the service management and performance.
What are the Edge Services and how do I access them?
The Edge Services available from the DestinE Platform Services section include Stack, Hook, Islet Compute and Islet Storage. These services are provided by EUMETSAT and are governed by an eligibility verification and approval process for access.
In order to request access to any of the Edge Services, please follow the Request access to Edge Services instructions:
- After registering your DestinE Platform account, please contact the DestinE Platform Team from the Support web page to request your Edge Services access and initiate the process.
- You will then be contacted directly by the Edge Services support with the request to provide additional information.
- If your user profile and project align with the categories currently eligible, you will receive an approval notification via email by the Edge Services support. You can then follow the Access Edge Services procedure for the Sign In.