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Privacy Policies

1.  DestinE Platform Privacy Policy – SERCO

Serco Italia S.p.A., with registered office at viale dell’Astronomia 13, Cap 00144 (Rome, Italy) (“Serco” or the “Data Controller”), which can be contacted at the following email address, acting in its capacity as separate Data Controller, solely in respect and purpose of the tasks entrusted to it by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative, is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any applicable national laws and regulations.

This privacy policy provides information to you about the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us if you are a client of the DestinE Platform, as defined in the Agreement for the provision of DestinE Platform Services (the “T&C”), provided through the site (the “Site”). This privacy policy shall be read in conjunction with our cookies policy ([RD]) and the agreement for the provision of DestinE Platform (the “T&C”). In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this Privacy Policy and the T&C or Cookies Policy, the provisions of this Privacy Policy shall prevail. This Privacy Policy is intended to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any applicable national laws and regulations and shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with the GDPR and such laws and regulations.

In this privacy policy, the terms “we”, “our”, and “us” are used to refer to the separate Data Controller responsible for your personal information solely in respect and purpose of the tasks entrusted to it by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative.

Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and should be addressed to the relevant contact above.

1.1    Information we collect from you

We will collect and process the following data about you from your use of our Site:

  1. Registration data and other information you give us. This is data about you that you give us when you register to use our Site, subscribe to any of the DestinE Platform Services, use the DestinE Platform provided by our Site. The data you give us may include your name, surname, e-mail address, and in case of companies the details of the company.
  2. Technical information. We also collect technical data, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, MAC addresses, traffic data, your login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and cookies, which will be collected in accordance with our cookies policy.

1.2    How we use your information

We use information held about you for the following purposes:

  1. to allow you to register to use our Site and use the DestinE Platform Service offer and therefore carrying out our obligations arising from any agreements entered into between you and us and to provide you with the information, products and services that you request from us;
  2. to carry out appropriate and necessary investigations and discharge our legal and regulatory obligations and duties, including to comply with (to the extent applicable):
    • the guidance of any relevant regulatory body;
    • the requirements of applicable legislation for the combatting of money laundering, fraud, terrorist financing, bribery, corruption, tax evasion, the provision of financial or other services to persons who may be subject to economic or trade sanctions; and
    • any other local laws, regulations, directions, codes of practice, circulars, orders notices or demands which may otherwise apply;

(purposes from a) to b) are jointly defined as the “Contractual Purposes”)

  1. for fraud prevention purposes within the limits not already required by applicable laws as well as to defend or claim a right, also as part of court proceedings;
  2. for credit recovery procedures and credit assignment to authorized companies, also by means of third parties;
  3. for the completion of a potential merger, sale of assets or transfer of all or a material part of its business, by disclosing and transferring your personal data to the third party or parties involved in the transaction as part of the transaction;

(the purposes of letters c) to e) above are jointly referred to as “Legitimate Interest Purposes”)

  1. with your prior consent, to provide you with marketing communications (for example newsletters) by means of electronic and physical channels of communication about the services or products we offer and to run surveys;

  2. with your prior consent, to customize the DestinE Platform Services and the marketing communications referred above on your preferences and habits (see Cookies Policy).

(the purposes of letters f) and g) above are jointly referred to as “Marketing Purposes”).

1.3    Legal basis for the processing of your personal data

Data protection laws require that we meet certain conditions before we are allowed to use your data in the manner described in this privacy policy. We take our responsibilities under data protection laws extremely seriously, including meeting these conditions.

The processing of your personal data is necessary with regard to the Contractual Purposes as it is essential:

  • for the performance of the Terms and Conditions between you and us. In order for us to fulfil our obligations under such contract, we will need to collect and process your personal data.
  • in order to comply with applicable guidance provided by any relevant regulatory body and the obligations under applicable legislation, including anti-money laundering/fraud legislation.

Failure to provide the data for the above purposes will unfortunately mean we cannot provide our services to you, as to allow you to use our service would mean we would be in breach of our legal obligations.

The processing of your personal data with regard to the Legitimate Interest Purposes of Section 2 letter e) is carried out in compliance with article 6, letter f) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (the “European Privacy Regulation”), for the pursuit of Serco’s legitimate interest to the detection of potential frauds, the recovery of debts towards to company and the performance of the economic activities referred therein, which is adequately balanced with your interest since the data processing is performed within the limits strictly necessary to their performance.

This data processing activity with regard to the Legitimate Interest Purposes is not mandatory and you can object to the data processing at any time through the modalities as per this Privacy Policy.

Finally, the data processing with regard to the Marketing Purposes is based on your prior consent. Such data processing is not mandatory however should you refuse to provide the relevant consent you will not receive marketing communications as per Section 2 letters f) and g). In any case, you can withdraw your consents at any time through the modalities as per this Privacy Policy.

1.4    How do we process your personal data

Your personal data will be processed both electronically and/or manually, in any case in such a way as to guarantee the security, protection and confidentiality of the data, thanks to appropriate administrative, technical, personnel and physical measures against loss, theft and unauthorized use, disclosure or modification.

1.5    How long we keep your information for

Your Personal data will be stored for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the data was collected as outlined in this privacy policy. In any case the following retention periods will apply to the processing of your personal data for the purposes indicated below:

  • data collected for Contractual Purposes and for Legitimate Interest Purposes is retained during the provision of the services plus a period of 5 years after the termination or withdrawal from the contract with us, except when the detention of the data is necessary to respond or to file a legal action, upon request of the competent authorities or in compliance with the applicable laws;
  • data collected for Marketing Purposes relating to the delivery of marketing communications and running of surveys is retained for the duration of the Contract and a subsequent period of 24 months;
  • data collected for Marketing Purposes relating to the profiling of your preferences for marketing purposes is retained for a period of 12 months from the time it is collected.

1.6    Disclosure of your information

For the Contractual Purposes, personal data may be transferred to the following categories of recipients located within the EU and within the limits as set below:

(a)third parties service providers entrusted with processing activities that provide hosting cloud services or assistance and advice to Serco, with special but not exclusive reference to technology (in particular, but not exclusively analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimisation of our site and other selected third parties), accounting, administrative, legal, insurance, IT matters, Service Providers (ref. paragraph 2.6 of the DestinE Platform Terms and Conditions); (b) EUMETSAT and ECMWF, implementing the Destination Earth Data Lake and the Digital Twins and Digital Twin Engine components of the Destination Earth initiative, for whose services Personal Data transfer is necessary for the performance of their activities; (c) affiliates; and (d) persons and authorities whose right to access personal data is recognized by law, regulations or provisions issued by legally empowered authorities. The above-mentioned recipients will process personal data as data controllers, data processors or persons in charge of processing, depending on the circumstances.

For the Legitimate Interest Purposes, personal data may be transferred to the following categories of recipients located within the EU and within the limits set below:

(a) potential purchaser of Serco and the entities resulting from mergers or any other transformation involving Serco, (b) competent authorities.

For the Marketing Purposes, personal data may be transferred to the following categories of recipients located both within the EU and, within the limits set below:

(a) third parties service providers entrusted with processing activities that provide services or assistance with regard to the delivery of marketing communications.

The data processors appointed by Serco include OVHCloud.

1.7    Your rights

You have a number of rights under data protection law in relation to the way we process your personal data. These are set out below. You may contact us by sending a communication to the email address or by contacting our DPO directly – details below) to exercise any of these rights, and we will respond to any request received from you within one month from the date of the request.

At any given time, you can exercise the following rights:

  1. to obtain from Serco confirmation of the existence of personal data and to be informed of its content and source, verify its accuracy and request its integration, update or amendment;
  2. to request the erasure, anonymization or restriction of the processing of personal data processed in breach of the applicable laws;
  3. to object in whole or in part, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of the data;
  4. to withdraw the consent to the processing of the data (if and to the extent such a consent is necessary).

You will have the right, in any given moment, to:

  1. request Serco to limit the processing of your personal data where:
    • you contest the accuracy of the personal data until Serco have taken sufficient steps to correct or verify its accuracy;
    • the processing is unlawful but you do not want us to erase your personal data;
    • Serco no longer needs your personal data for the purposes of the processing, but you require them for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; or
    • you have objected to processing justified on legitimate interests, pending verification as to whether Serco has compelling legitimate grounds to continue processing.
  1. object to the processing of your personal data;
  2. request the erasure of your personal data without undue delay;
  3. receive an electronic copy of your personal data, if you would like to port your personal data to yourself or a different provider, when Serco is relying upon your consent or the fact that the processing is necessary for the provision of the services and the personal data is processed by automatic means; and
  4. lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection supervisory authority.

1.8    Transfer of personal data

  • Serco shall process (and have processed by its authorised subcontractors or sub-processors) personal Data only in the agreed territory of processing (European Union). Transfer of Personal Data outside the agreed territory shall only take place for the purpose of implementing, managing, monitoring the activities under the T&Cs, and will only concern Data Recipients located in a country or international organisation offering an Adequate Level of Protection.
  • The transfer of personal data towards a country not recognized as offering an Adequate Level of Protection may only be done after being authorised by the Serco Data Protection Officer (DPO) and subject to “adequate safeguards with respect to the protection of the Personal Data and data subject’s rights”.
  • As “adequate safeguards”, the Parties agreed to adopt the level of protection resulting from the provisions of the EU Standard Contractual Clauses for the Transfer of Personal Data to Third Countries pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

1.8.1  The Data Protection Officer

The data protection officer appointed by Serco pursuant to Section 37 of the Privacy Regulation can be contacted at the following email address:

1.8.2  Changes to this Privacy Policy

Any changes to this privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page, and where appropriate, notified to you by email. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to this privacy policy.

This policy was last reviewed and updated: September 2024.

1.  DestinE Platform Privacy Policy – ESA

Serco Italia S.p.A., with registered office at viale dell’Astronomia 13, Cap 00144 (Rome, Italy) (“Serco” or the “Data Controller”), which can be contacted at the following email address, acting in its capacity as separate Data Controller, solely in respect and purpose of the tasks entrusted to it by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative, is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any applicable national laws and regulations.

This privacy policy provides information to you about the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us if you are a client of the DestinE Platform, as defined in the Agreement for the provision of DestinE Platform Services (the “T&C”), provided through the site (the “Site”). This privacy policy shall be read in conjunction with our cookies policy ([RD]) and the agreement for the provision of DestinE Platform (the “T&C”). In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this Privacy Policy and the T&C or Cookies Policy, the provisions of this Privacy Policy shall prevail. This Privacy Policy is intended to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any applicable national laws and regulations and shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with the GDPR and such laws and regulations.

In this privacy policy, the terms “we”, “our”, and “us” are used to refer to the separate Data Controller responsible for your personal information solely in respect and purpose of the tasks entrusted to it by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative.

Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and should be addressed to the relevant contact above.

1.1    Information we collect from you

We will collect and process the following data about you from your use of our Site:

  1. Registration data and other information you give us. This is data about you that you give us when you register to use our Site, subscribe to any of the DestinE Platform Services, use the DestinE Platform provided by our Site. The data you give us may include your name, surname, e-mail address, and in case of companies the details of the company.
  2. Technical information. We also collect technical data, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, MAC addresses, traffic data, your login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and cookies, which will be collected in accordance with our cookies policy which comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any applicable national laws and regulations.

1.2    How we use your information

We use information held about you solely in respect and purpose of the tasks entrusted to us by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative:

  1. to allow you to register to use our Site and use the DestinE Platform Service offer and therefore carrying out our obligations arising from any agreements entered into between you and us and to provide you with the information, products and services that you request from us;
  2. to carry out appropriate and necessary investigations and discharge our legal and regulatory obligations and duties, including to comply with (to the extent applicable):
  • the guidance of any relevant regulatory body;
  • the requirements of applicable legislation for the combatting of money laundering, fraud, terrorist financing, bribery, corruption, tax evasion, the provision of financial or other services to persons who may be subject to economic or trade sanctions; and
  • any other local laws, regulations, directions, codes of practice, circulars, orders notices or demands which may otherwise apply;

(purposes from a) to b) are jointly defined as the “Contractual Purposes”)

  1. for fraud prevention purposes within the limits not already required by applicable laws as well as to defend or claim a right, also as part of court proceedings;
  2. for credit recovery procedures and credit assignment to authorized companies, also by means of third parties;
  3. for the completion of a potential merger, sale of assets or transfer of all or a material part of its business, by disclosing and transferring your personal data to the third party or parties involved in the transaction as part of the transaction;

(the purposes of letters c) to e) above are jointly referred to as “Legitimate Interest Purposes”)

  1. with your prior consent, to provide you with marketing communications by means of electronic and physical channels of communication about the services or products we offer and to run surveys solely in respect and purpose of the tasks entrusted to us by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative;
  2. with your prior consent, to customize the DestinE Platform Services and the marketing communications referred above on your preferences and habits (see Cookies Policy) solely in relation to the tasks entrusted to us by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative.

(the purposes of letters f) and g) above are jointly referred to as “Marketing Purposes”).

1.3    Legal basis for the processing of your personal data

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any applicable national laws and regulations require that we meet certain conditions before we are allowed to use your data in the manner described in this privacy policy. We take our responsibilities under data protection rules extremely seriously, including meeting these conditions.

The processing of your personal data is necessary with regard to the Contractual Purposes as it is essential:

  • for the performance of the Terms and Conditions between you and us solely in relation to the tasks entrusted to us by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative. In order for us to fulfil our obligations under such contract, we will need to collect and process your personal data.
  • in order to comply with applicable guidance provided by any relevant regulatory body and the obligations under applicable legislation, including anti-money laundering/fraud legislation.

Failure to provide the data for the above purposes will unfortunately mean we cannot provide our services to you, as to allow you to use our service would mean we would be in breach of our legal obligations.

The processing of your personal data with regard to the Legitimate Interest Purposes of Section 2 letter e) is carried out in compliance with article 6, letter f) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (the “European Privacy Regulation”), for the pursuit of Serco’s legitimate interest to the detection of potential frauds, the recovery of debts towards to company and the performance of the economic activities referred therein, which is adequately balanced with your interest since the data processing is performed within the limits strictly necessary to their performance.

This data processing activity with regard to the Legitimate Interest Purposes is not mandatory and you can object to the data processing at any time through the modalities as per this Privacy Policy.

Finally, the data processing with regard to the Marketing Purposes is based on your prior consent. Such data processing is not mandatory however should you refuse to provide the relevant consent you will not receive marketing communications as per Section 2 letters f) and g). In any case, you can withdraw your consents at any time through the modalities as per this Privacy Policy.

1.4    How do we process your personal data

Your personal data will be processed both electronically and/or manually, in any case in such a way as to guarantee the security, protection and confidentiality of the data, thanks to appropriate administrative, technical, personnel and physical measures against loss, theft and unauthorized use, disclosure or modification.

1.5    How long we keep your information for

Your Personal data will be stored for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the data was collected as outlined in this privacy policy and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any applicable national laws and regulations. In any case the following retention periods will apply to the processing of your personal data for the purposes indicated below:

  • data collected for Contractual Purposes and for Legitimate Interest Purposes is retained during the provision of the services plus a period of 5 years after the termination or withdrawal from the contract with us, except when the detention of the data is necessary to respond or to file a legal action, upon request of the competent authorities or in compliance with the applicable laws;
  • data collected for Marketing Purposes relating to the delivery of marketing communications and running of surveys is retained for the duration of the Contract and a subsequent period of 24 months;
  • data collected for Marketing Purposes relating to the profiling of your preferences for marketing purposes is retained for a period of 12 months from the time it is collected.

1.6    Disclosure of your information

For the Contractual Purposes, personal data may be transferred to the following categories of recipients located within the EU and solely in respect and purpose of the tasks entrusted to us by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative as set below:

  • third parties service providers entrusted with processing activities that provide hosting cloud services or assistance and advice to Serco, with special but not exclusive reference to technology (in particular, but not exclusively analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimisation of our site and other selected third parties), accounting, administrative, legal, insurance, IT matters; (b) EUMETSAT and ECMWF, implementing the Destination Earth Data Lake and the Digital Twins and Digital Twin Engine components of the Destination Earth initiative, for whose services Personal Data transfer is necessary for the performance of their activities; (c) affiliates; and (d) persons and authorities whose right to access personal data is recognized by law, regulations or provisions issued by legally empowered authorities.

The above-mentioned recipients will process personal data as data controllers, data processors or persons in charge of processing, depending on the circumstances. To know the point of contact for personal data protection matters concerning separate Controllers (which are independently responsible for the collection and processing of personal data they decide upon in respect and purpose of the tasks entrusted to them within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative), please refer to the privacy notices of these separate Controllers.

Management of Your account to DestinE Core Service Platform may render necessary the communication of Your personal Data to the European Commission. Provided this is necessary, a separate privacy statement will be released by the European Commission accordingly.  

For the Legitimate Interest Purposes, personal data may be transferred to the following categories of recipients located within the EU and within the limits set below:

(a) potential purchaser of Serco and the entities resulting from mergers or any other transformation involving Serco solely in relation to the tasks entrusted to them by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative, (b) competent authorities.

For the Marketing Purposes, personal data may be transferred to the following categories of recipients located both within the EU and, within the limits set below:

(a) third parties service providers entrusted with processing activities that provide services or assistance with regard to the delivery of marketing communications solely in relation to the tasks entrusted to us by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative.

The data processors appointed by Serco include OVHCloud.

1.7    Your rights

You have a number of rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any applicable national laws and regulations in relation to the way we process your personal data. These are set out below. You may contact us by sending a communication to the email address or by contacting our DPO directly – details below) to exercise any of these rights, and we will respond to any request received from you within one month from the date of the request.

At any given time, you can exercise the following rights:

  1. to obtain from Serco confirmation of the existence of personal data and to be informed of its content and source, verify its accuracy and request its integration, update or amendment;
  2. to request the erasure, anonymization or restriction of the processing of personal data processed in breach of the applicable laws;
  3. to object in whole or in part, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of the data;
  4. to withdraw the consent to the processing of the data (if and to the extent such a consent is necessary).

You will have the right, in any given moment, to:

  1. request Serco to limit the processing of your personal data where:
  • you contest the accuracy of the personal data until Serco have taken sufficient steps to correct or verify its accuracy;
  • the processing is unlawful but you do not want us to erase your personal data;
  • Serco no longer needs your personal data for the purposes of the processing, but you require them for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; or
  • you have objected to processing justified on legitimate interests, pending verification as to whether Serco has compelling legitimate grounds to continue processing.
  1. object to the processing of your personal data;
  2. request the erasure of your personal data without undue delay;
  3. receive an electronic copy of your personal data, if you would like to port your personal data to yourself or a different provider, when Serco is relying upon your consent or the fact that the processing is necessary for the provision of the services and the personal data is processed by automatic means; and
  4. lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection supervisory authority.

1.8    Transfer of personal data

  • Serco shall process (and have processed by its authorised subcontractors or sub-processors) personal Data only in the agreed territory of processing (European Union) and solely in relation to the tasks entrusted to Serco by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative. Transfer of Personal Data outside the agreed territory shall only take place for the purpose of implementing, managing, monitoring the activities under the T&Cs and solely in relation to the tasks entrusted to Serco by the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Destination Earth initiative, and will only concern Data Recipients located in a country or international organisation offering an Adequate Level of Protection.
  • The transfer of personal data towards a country not recognized as offering an Adequate Level of Protection may only be done after being authorised by the Serco Data Protection Officer (DPO) and subject to “adequate safeguards with respect to the protection of the Personal Data and data subject’s rights”.
  • As “adequate safeguards”, the Parties agreed to adopt the level of protection resulting from the provisions of the EU Standard Contractual Clauses for the Transfer of Personal Data to Third Countries pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

1.8.1  The Data Protection Officer

The data protection officer appointed by Serco pursuant to Section 37 of the Privacy Regulation can be contacted at the following email address:

1.8.2  Changes to this Privacy Policy

Any changes to this privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page, and where appropriate, notified to you by email. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to this privacy policy.

This policy was last reviewed and updated: October 2024.



For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the following definitions apply:

  • Academia and Research: Public academia and research teams contributing or participating to the development of DestinE, either directly or through EU funded research projects and activities or through relevant EU Member States or DEP Associated Countries programmes or initiatives.
  • Associated country: non-EU country associated to the Digital Europe Programme.
  • DestinE Core Service Platform (DestinE Platform): A user-friendly platform that provides a large number of users with evidence-based policy and decision-making tools, applications and services, based on an open, flexible, scalable and evolvable secure cloud-based architecture.
  • DestinE Digital Twin Outputs: Earth-system monitoring and prediction system output (and its Metadata) resulting from routine and/or on-demand execution of Destination Earth Digital Twin simulations and their integrated applications provided through the DestinE Platform.
  • DestinE Services: all services accessible to Priority Users through DestinE Platform.
  • EU Emblem: The official emblem of the European Union. Download the EU Emblem and graphical information
  • Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): any exclusive or non-exclusive right which exist in any Intellectual Property, in particular (but not limited to) any copyrights, database rights, patents, trademarks, service marks, design rights, or trade secrets together with any benefits which such Intellectual Property Rights give to the holder, in particular (but not limited to) the right to use, copy, modify, correct, adapt, enhance, improve, update, make new releases or new versions of, make derivative works of, offer, sell, lease, rent, license, distribute in any other way against or without payment, display, broadcast, transmit, or make accessible in networks (e.g. Internet, Intranet) the Intellectual Property in question in whole or in part and any copies thereof.
  • Member: An individual user affiliated with an entity that belongs to one of the Priority User categories and has been granted access to the DestinE Services and DestinE Digital Twin Outputs.
  • Member States: The States which are members of the European Union.
  • Priority User: A registered user whose Upgraded Access to DestinE has been validated by the European Commission. Priority Users are subdivided into four categories: Public authorities, Academia and Research, SMEs and start-ups, and third-country public authorities.
  • Public authorities: Public authorities of EU Member States and Digitial Europe Programme Associated Countries. These include the EU institutions, agencies and bodies, public authorities of EU Member States and Associated Countries that have been granted Priority user access to the DestinE Services and DestinE Digital Twin Outputs for official duty activities.
  • Service Provider: An entity that provides a service as part of the DestinE Services.
  • SME’s & start-ups:   EU SME’s and start-ups contributing or participating in the implementation and further development of DestinE.
  • Third country public authority: Selected third country public authorities following EU’s international commitments. These include The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States (NOAA), other public sector entities authorised under the AI4Good Administrative Agreement, the official representative entities of ESA ECMWF and EUMETSAT member states.
  • User: Priority User or its Member.


2.1. The European Commission grants the User personal access to the DestinE Services and DestinE Digital Twin Outputs strictly for use in professional capacity, subject to the User’s acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

2.2. The User’s access rights are non-transferable.

2.3. The User may use the DestinE Services and DestinE Digital Twin Outputs solely for professional use within the scope of activities of the Priority user.

2.4 The User can only distribute Services or Products from which the original DestinE Digital Twin Outputs cannot be retrieved or reverse engineered.

2.5. The User shall not use DestinE Services and DestinE Digital Twin Outputs or any associated data, software, documentation or other information for any purpose that contradicts the purposes outlined in Articles 2.3 and 2.4 without the prior written consent of the European Commission.

2.6. The User shall not reproduce, distribute, license, transfer, assign, sell, disclose to, or otherwise forward the DestinE Digital Twin Outputs or any associated data, software, documentation, or other information to any unauthorized User without the prior written consent of the European Commission.


3.1. The DestinE Digital Twin Outputs remain the exclusive property of the European Commission. The User’s rights to use the DestinE Digital Twin Outputs are specified in this legal notice, and the European Commission retains all rights not expressly granted to User in this document.

3.2. The User acknowledges that all Intellectual Property Rights to the DestinE Digital Twin Outputs belong to the European Commission.

3.3. Subject to Article 3.1 and 3.2, the Intellectual Property Rights to DestinE Services are owned by the Service Provider generating the DestinE Service.

3.4. Services created using the DestinE Digital Twin Outputs and/or DestinE Platform shall acknowledge the European Commission as the source and refer to their distribution by the European Commission. The attribution must be displayed prominently and provided alongside, within, or co-located with the services in the form of the following wording: “This service is created [based on data of the European Commission] and/or [using Destination Earth Platform]”.

3.5. The User accepts all responsibility and liability for the services and shall not claim to any customer, or potential customer, the accuracy of the Destination Earth Digital Twin Outputs which are components of the services.


4.1. The European Commission shall accept no responsibility or liability with regard to the information on the DestinE Platform and the DestinE Digital Twin Outputs.

4.2. DestinE Digital Twin Outputs are provided without any express or implied warranty from the European Commission as regards their quality, accuracy, completeness, availability, reliability, speed and suitability for any purpose. The European Commission may make changes to their content at any time and will notify the users of these changes on best effort basis.

4.4. By using DestinE Digital Twin Outputs and the DestinE Platform, the user renounces any claim for damages against the European Union. The scope of this waiver encompasses any dispute, including contracts and torts claims, that might be filed in court, in arbitration or in any other form of dispute settlement.


5.1. The DestinE Platform website is an external website, which is not owned by the European Commission, and for which the Commission assumes no responsibility.

5.2. When Users choose to use the external website, they are subject to the cookie, privacy, and legal policies of that external website.

5.3. Compliance with applicable data protection and accessibility requirements of external websites falls outside the control of the European Commission and is the explicit responsibility of the external website.


6.1. The principles of use of the EU emblem by third parties have been set out in an administrative agreement with the Council of Europe. This agreement has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 08/09/2012 (2012/C 271/04). According to this agreement, any natural or legal person (“third-party user”) may use the EU emblem or any of its elements, as long as this use:

  1. does not create the impression or assumption that there is a connection between the third-party user and any of the institutions, bodies, offices, agencies and organs of the European Union or the Council of Europe where this connection does not exist;
  2. does not lead the public to believe that the user benefits from the support, sponsorship, approval or consent of any of the institutions, bodies, offices, agencies and organs of the European Union or the Council of Europe where this is not the case;
  3. is not made in connection with any objective or activity which is incompatible with the aims and principles of the European Union or the Council of Europe or is otherwise unlawful.

6.2. If the use of the EU emblem complies with the above conditions, there is no need to ask for written permission.

6.3. Registration of the EU emblem, or a heraldic imitation thereof, as a trademark or as any other IP right is not acceptable.


These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the User and the European Commission regarding the use of the DestinE Services and DestinE Digital Twin Outputs.


The European Commission reserves the right to modify or update these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. The User’s continued use of the DestinE Services and DestinE Digital Twin Outputs shall be deemed acceptance of the modified or updated Terms and Conditions.


By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the User acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.