Documentation and API
Explore comprehensive documentation for all services available on DestinE Platform, including detailed API guides.
GeoAI is a cutting-edge geospatial AI platform that revolutionizes the way businesses and individuals harness the power of AI for earth observation use cases. Effortlessly design and implement your custom AI-driven solution.
Content creation service and no-code platform for DestinE storytelling and data visualization. Users can combine DEA data with their own assets to share engaging visualizations with the community in a simple way.
The DeltaTwin® service offers a collaborative toolbox to build and share your digital twin components. The UI is organized into sections facilitating seamless data representation and organization based on specific analysis topics.
The Command line provides the same features as the UI in a CLI mode in order to enable developers to seamlessly script Delta command.
Vizlab offers an intuitive GUI and advanced 3D rendering technologies, to provide immersive storytelling experience that goes beyond simple data visualization, making complex data sets accessible and understandable to a broad audience.
The Data Cache Management Service (DCMS) supports the Digital Twin initiative by managing and expanding the DestinE Platform's Data Portfolio, providing access to EO data through efficient data handling, storage, and user-driven data requests.
The fastest route to access and analyse earth data. The data are pre-processed to allow browsing, interrogation, access and fast cloud-based computing through standard technologies like STAC, xarray, zarr.
EDEN is the place to discover and access Earth's Digital Twin to monitor the effects of natural and human activity on our planet, anticipate extreme events and adapt policies to climate-related challenges.
Insula, the Hub between Data and Decisions. Effortlessly process complex information and generate clear visualizations, transforming raw numbers into insightful maps and graphs.